there in the woods-with secret eyes made aware, to the deepening dark that is filtering in, comes a sound made from out of nowhere appearing, as this changeling; a babe swaddled, under the encrusted outcropping of rock; placed there in it's sanctuary, by whom, no one knows- no matter though, as the story continues in the silence of deepening woods cleaved by the dew gently gathering as it falls against the rock face-in staccato time , to create a wordless lullaby all the while to make the baby doze-that is until, along comes, a she bear- who pads through, she sniffs for a scent, and finding one similar yet not; like other scents, found there in the wood, she sees this babe, she approaches coming close as she dares, as her warm breath delights the baby making it coo, she reacts as any mother would in the circumstance, with the instinct to protect and defend; this little one, out of necessity from any outside force; so all the intruders prepare to be put on notice as she settles in closer, using her thick winterized coat as the blanket, to keep them both warm; and the baby looks on with love - she sighs contented, as both close their eyes