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Feb 2020
Writers, professors, journalists and hairdressers,
students, athletes, baristas and deadbeats,
no one knows it all.

The theory of mind has not been kind
to anyone who dares to search
for an appropriate belief they can get behind.

Horace was right to say, I say this
and if I may, I will retreat,
we can discuss, but do not necessarily have to meet
each other halfway.

Down the line I'd like to be
firm in my two cents. (even if cents are soon to be abolished)
I'll keep them in my pocket, polished, and
if someone wants to throw me more,
I'll happily inspect their core.

If they don't bend, my pocket grows,
if they do, they'll fly into the fountain's lows,
where no one has to ever see
those coins again, especially not me.
You can have your own opinion, just not
the one for all.

People tweeting may just be
our generation's downfall.

Please don't get so blindsighted by your own words, me.
Written by
Daan  Belgium
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