Whew... now with president er... Chief tenderloin hoof and mouth knick knack paddywhack shah row'n nah diseased Trumpen proletariat - ever so..., (think huck Cain Abel) -
phloem with his tree men diss anti semitic, biased, cutthroat dagger type bull leaf eager, ready and willing to give Democrats endless good grief, (a substantial Casanova chock full of McDonald's fast food beef),
that wily rotten thief (machiavellian hedonistic commander with ******* special penchant to lend wind blow dried hair courtesy *****), his princely (Jared jarhead) reign no end, (I reckon at least bajillion years) in sight,
yours truly breathes deep sigh of relief the meritocratically jaded, general electorate, who try bringing good things to life - reef fur to moost recent impeachment acquittal asthma tongue in cheek persiflage leitmotif.
All Joe king *** hide, I really dread locked worst case forty sixth oaf with absolute zero governmental effective cred, which scariest horror story scenario... unfathomable, incomprehensible, amenable to **** sitter seriously joining grateful dead
volunteering bon voyage euthanasia led by tried and true straight and narrow grim reaper me more than willing to enlist underground grassroots movement instead
populated courtesy dark shadows lovely numbskulls and crossbones think Zombies patrolling devoid of talking head, nonetheless not frightening compared to heir apparent of Fred,
whose real estate Mogul son on warpath to shred life, liberty and pursuit of happiness no matter **** sapiens turning planet Earth, wind and fire blood red!