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Feb 2020
Everyone's deceiving.
What's the point to the chaos it's ignorant sadists who won't let me focus on leaving.
Why is this all so played out?
I can't even keep one consciousness in tact and there are too many doubts.
If there were any way I could change things and get rid of their contorted web of lies, maybe there wouldn't be so many people being forced to add to their disguise.
But all they want is power and control.
How many lives will go to waste before hell takes it's toll?
And now I'm stuck here trapped without my own soul, it's just the versions they keep in place until their plan unfolds.
So **** them all. Will they ever leave me the **** alone?
My life has always been trampled on by parasitic bigots with no mercy on anyone. They just keep their illusion going so no truth will ever unfold.
Jade Lima
Written by
Jade Lima  Newmarket, Ontario
(Newmarket, Ontario)   
   Jade Lima
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