I can not tell you when my life became imaginary. It must have been long ago, that day I forgot about the Sun. The walls were closing in tight! They where all I could think about. Ever since I have been punished upon its arrival.
Night and Day.
My white prince sits on that empowering doorstep! I'm blowing out smoke! I’m yelling at trees! On my hands and knees digging because we are all itchy! For if I dig long enough I will make it through ground.
"And through is where I am suppose to be."
Singing the most beautiful song you will ever here. Slopping up soup and forgetting what time it is. Rolling on the ground again, I am still itchy..
My mother and father and sister who would all forget me! No they cannot forget me they are imaginary too! Crying very loudly, No, I am just laughing. And then calmness when my prince kicks in, finally..
Blankness, serenity.
Waking up to see Sunshine. Is it Summer already? If I feel long enough he can bring me through winter too. If I lie long enough… I, Oh, God just let me through!
I rest again and wake to see no more Sunshine. . .