A country, in turmoil, a long time ago Sent all of its tyrants away. The citizens suddenly freed from their woe Were left in a state of dismay.
“Freedom”, the concept, was new to these folk After all the abuse they'd been through Oh yes, they were glad to be free of the yoke But they didn't know quite what to do.
Then somebody said, “We need someone in charge To make sure the trash is collected. He needn't be more than a p'liceman at large; Someone we all feel is respected.”
“But how do we choose” was replied in return “In a way that is fair to us all?” If only there could be a way to discern - The answer was somewhat banal.
“We could all cast a vote for the one we like best - But just how do we narrow the field?” “We'll pick one from the east and pick one from the west” Their destiny there-on was sealed.
Both of the candidates chosen were men (This was long before folks were enlightened) And both of the fellows knew how to pretend And thereby the contest was tightened.
One of the guys felt that he should appeal For a kinder and gentler state. So he helped the downtrodden, and greased the loud wheel In the hope that the folk take the bait.
The other guy saw that the hillbilly caucus Outnumbered the saint wanna-be's. His cunning campaign became vastly more raucous As he worked on their fears and unease.
Now, it's not up to me to reveal who succeeded As that would be cocky and rash. Suffice it to say that they got what they needed - But nobody picked up the trash. rc