Lend me an ear Or a helping hand For a destitute queer Left upon these lands Roaming with fear Of an ever striking hand Man is so frightful Yet women are deceitful A modicum of grace To exit this rat's race Ascending to the clairvoyant light All I see the is the darkest of nights The misty reflection upon the pond The dark side of the moon that grows fond I don the most dreary of expressions Omissions of derision and deceit A young lass still ******* on her mother's **** Yet the pain that weighs on her empty heart Knows no bounds, home is where the heart is And in her heart misery resides It lays it laurels of pain to rest in her being Every where she goes it follows The beating of a drum, the beating of her heart, and the siren song of misery's embrace For darkness is fond of company and mist is its greatest ally Lend me a hand, and I'll greet you with a grim countenance