Every word, I speak will always be with a thankful heart for you. There will never be an idle word or negative thought towards you. I am accountable for every breath that each word expels out. My words will always be edifying, encouraging, thanking, loving, nurturing you. So much negativity has been spoken breaking and scaring you. I'm just wanting to give you what you give me on a daily basis. Every word flows from my heart. I really do want to know about your days and nights when we are apart. The recipes we discuss not only feed us physically but the words feed our hearts and souls. When we communicate my heart smiles greater than any grin my face could show. I'll always be your biggest fan, greatest encourager, the builder, the faith restorer, the mender, your helper, your love, and carrier. We have this bond in which I want to take all the negatives and give you all the positive. Even when we are joking my words have purpose to bring joy to you. Even in my writings, I have no idle words they are purposeful and hopefully positive always uplifting you.