"Friends" so you've known them for years but have they kept in touch I mean they've seen your tears but so have many films.
who keeps in contact? regardless of: mileage, county, country or continent? Not many people pick a pen write you a note send it direct to your address.
It's irregular it's not normal it's not the thing to do. Often I just think some people expect that you will call but how long would they wait before contacting you at all. I'm not being despondent I'm not being obtuse I'm just saying that it happens some friends never contact you. You'll always be the one to say "Yo dude, I'm back at home" as if you didn't make a conscious effort you'd probably spend your time alone.
Now that is just one case scenario I mean; others you never see can bump into you on the street one time and reconnect instantly. It may have been a month or more since you spoke to them last It could have even been years ago since a conversation was had.
But a friend can be many things They can live far far away from you Or literally down the street They may never be the one to contact you, yet are always up for a meet They may always insist on paying or scrounge as much as they can get They may always need the shoulder to cry on but never hear your woes Each friendship is different, dependant on the people I suppose.