and fifty two months ago Shana Aubrey Harris officially completed, now ranks among status quo lawfully, legally, legitimately in toto twenty one orbitz around the sun - whoa!
Chronological benchmark ye did attain plus major purchase of second automobile (2002 Subaru Impreza) skill ye did gain curious if family/friends helped ye maintain being calm, cool, and collected - quite a taxing acquisition, one need be sane.
Said significant decision perhaps makes heart skip a beat, but analogously, and literally puts ye in driver seat tending to maintenance of vehicle sweet figurative taste of liberation,
while familiarizing feet to become acclimated accelerating at velocity with precious fleet, obeying Sir Isaac Newton's first law of motion.
More important gently and timely to apply brake lest police siren wails finding ye to quake thus requiring thee to summon nerves of steel, cuz friendly police thirst he/she doth slake
issuing moving violation scenario haint no nightmare unless fatal accident occurs, whereby family and friends attend wake mourning beloved daughter forever ruing grievous loss for Pete's sake.
Even after time tested practice acquiring consummate skill experiencing diverse situations manning steering wheel will unexpectedly introduce during different seasons frightful scenarios analogous to getting
spooked by ghostly chill ye must Carrie on as the shining defensive driver setting sterling pride to self giving ego uber lyft till ye get over the hill much quicker than Jack and Jill.