What are dreams when viewed as gateways for those who hate days and wish to escape to what seems instead of their reality?
Tools of destruction, distinctive from seductive safe havens yet in short term not at all distinct.
What are dreams when seen as just that, without having to lean on pillows, nights and slumber? Every trip is just a number.
Bring me home, bring me there where I do not have autonomy, where all I do is lie and nurture and repair, somewhere I don't have to care for others, me and melancholy.
Take me where it's right to say, I'll follow, you can lead the way. Would that be bliss or ignorance? Wait, isn't that the same?
Leave me stretched about in nature's clouds of wavy strands and teach me how to stumble through the sand, show me how to meet the beach halfway through de land.
There are no shorelines in our minds, there is no white or black, knowing all these different kinds may exist together, is something many lack.
Remember, remember, 1 trait or action does not make up the whole person. Good and bad ar handy generalizations when trying to be quick. When you're dealing with greater durations of presence, it's handier to form some sort of network or spectrum. It's more complicated than that but it's the best we can do.