Ahem, the night’s so long, But hey, can’t be so wrong To sing quite a silly song:
If you look at such a thing With thine eyes round as a ring, Ain’t the very silliest king.
Now I know you wonder A king I am, but if you ponder Enough like Homer’s Pandar,
You’ll know I’m the King of rhyme And King of meter time after time. This you’ll learn from clime to clime
Though the night’s pretty long, But hey, you ain’t so wrong To listen to such a silly song
Despite quite a funny thing In mine eyes round as a ring, That you’ve heed unto this king
All this while, my good friend! Makes thee quite dumb in the end. I say, close thine eyes and go to bed.
Kikodinho Edward Alexandros, Tacoma, Washington. 03/19/2020.
If thou dost know thou art as silly as I am not to sleep in the dead of night but busy weaving word after word, thought after thought, that’s for thee Lol.