Maneuver your stride towards me, towards optimizing roads For decades your desires were not so consistent but for me it remains deliberate. The peak of my dreams are atoms of dark pessimistic matter, even if a fraction of the optimistic shatters. Your still a quaint engineer severing many individuals to planks, but lucky me I flew away, like cranes. I may be mesmerized by the tides of these oceans zones, but unlike you I know just how to divide the depths into separate monotones. Prisms reflecting, concepts dissecting, and nothing more than the galaxies 3rd rock revolving towards dissolving. Anxious bones, weary nerves, everyone has been a lust of the moment spur. I beg your resistance but aren't you a *******? Never spoke to yours either? Some men are just cowards. Yeah so some shells broke and not every pearl was found, But who really needs a new necklace and fake ocean sound?