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May 2013
If I take too long in the bathroom,
it is because I write poems about you while I ****.

Sometimes typed, sometimes portrayed
by morse code:
tampons in a wicker basket and toothpaste dobs.

I can form your ***** exact in inches and vein
just using these utensils
in the mornings
because I am seventeen and you
have just been inside me or inside my reveries.

I have enough memories for an old woman
and had enough *** for an old man.
To be happy, I must feel you swimming through
me even when our date-water leaves
and sometimes I get wet writing, remembering.

If I take too long in the bathroom,
it is because I write poems about you while I ****.

If I take too long in the bathroom,
I know you are listening in the room next door.
Written by
Sarina  forests
   ---, Michael Valentine and JM
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