Someone misses you. It's just one person, but hey, it's Someone. No-One spent their whole life believing that they were Nobody. No-One had no one. No one other person who they could tell their secrets to. Nobody would listen. But now, No-One has Someone! Someone who will listen to to No-One's secrets because No-One isn't Nobody. No-One IS Somebody. In fact, No-One is Someone's Everything. No-One is all Someone thinks about. Someone watches No-One and feels the Loneliness rippling off of No-One like a stone hitting water. Someone knows exactly how No-One feels and wishes to ease the ache, but... Someone is scared. Someone is broken but desperately wishes to help. So Someone will try to overcome their fear if No-One wishes to break free of the Loneliness. Someone will try. Someone wishes to befriend No-One. Someone wishes No-One will accept.
Sincerely, Someone.
This can be really specific or extremely general about its subjects.