her provisions are entwined with fallacy a crucial failure to her last words a false division sits on my dependency four words, in question, seal our fate our days connect, encircled commonly in a violent sequence
conspire to our demise i'm fearing deceit before you mutter your sweet nothings the force behind your games at play
voice your indistinction of what's just in your eyes you've been suspect from hello decide what's merely cornered by $lust$ in the recesses of your mind forge my signature to pass as though you're someone
your fake emotion will curiously encompass all your loves under halos cover you can strike unbeknownst to unsuspecting fools very few know you as i could we safely assume it wouldn't take much to catch you astray?
condemn your antipathy still a possibility that you can shine your love for us in this cold, deserted world hoarding all your passion/possessions for the truthful never paid you well pain and suffering all we'll know and truth be told we feigned love, too
seal your destiny with just one lie and shower in the fire cry, don't cry still enchanted by your lies but no more can i say i would die for your cause in the battle field
when the tears we've shed devour every sense of self we've built in the final closing hour we admit defeat in your degree you have clouded our defenses congratulations, babylon you're a great *****