A bold pirate vanquished King Phillip’s hapless galleons, bathed himself in gold peso coins manic fingers feverishly caressing the lucre.
Mindless with greed he sailed into rough waters where great whales watched as gales ripped the grommets that held the cords that secured the sails and the great sheets collapsed like canvas shrouds.
Still the pirate caressed each coin ignoring the rogue waves oblivious to the grand schools of whales gathering around.
Singing in chorus the great behemoths mused patient in their knowing man’s treasure destiny is always on the floor of the deep ocean.
The captain sank with his ship his pockets laden with lustrous gold and his silk shirt billowed in the current like a flag announcing his descent to a place where he could not breathe and nothing could be bought and the whales slaps their flukes on the water’s surface in thunderclaps of applause.