Nothing complements a cup of Earl Gray tea quite like a walk around Nevada City and a few cigarettes.
Of course knowing I will see you tomorrow and complement your outfit (because it will be nice) will do fine.
I asked for a dance and you promised me two and I won't think of much more until the second one is done. And even after that I'm sure I will think of little more. Until we dance again.
The football players will still get "pumped up" on four or five EPI pens before a game and I will still hate them and the girls will still post on Instagram and I will still hate them and she will still laugh at my jokes and I will still love that laugh.
This has all happened before. To me, my grandfather, and a boy named John who lived in 1970's New York. It's all been done before, it's all a copy of a copy of a copy of Jesus but it will still never cease to amaze (occupy)
Shock and Awe was a failure, some will tell you and 40 percent of the Central African peoples will be infected with *** and Jesus will never leave the cross. And you laugh will never cease to amaze (occupy)