Brown little can resting on restless wheels Waiting to carry me away, Paint peeled like every bit Of my sense of security I’m in fear of everything, Of leaving my dreams and sense of identity Of all the screams that play in My day dreams, In echoes off the vacant caverns in my chest Little fists clenched and weary Longingly staring at pavements passing Wishing to wake, to cry to break The silence with this tremendous Confusion, Refusing to let blond feathered hair out of my sight, Like he might just disappear Drop into distance like everything else I have ever known, that’s ever grown inside of me, I will hide him, In fake smiles, in hand holding, I will hide him from fathers breaking cry’s The first tears spilt over old scars From his crippled heart. I will tell him I love him so much There will be no room for my wounds He will have no space for the vast expanse of Pain of mistrust and the awful nothingness. Everything is gone, the world is the inside Of this car hurdling through space with no destination, I am holding the weight of the world on My frail little shoulders and I hold it. I only break under the weight of his sad eyes glacial blue gray where my hope drowned and my childhood dies. There is no safe part in me. I’m sorry I’m so sorry…