-The best way to fight the fear of terrorism is by turning off your TV screens.-
TV Terrorist.
Ladies hide your burkas! the 1st amendment ain’t gonna protect ya because for as little as an ignorant comment...
-YOU can be a TV Terrorist too!
Racist slurs, misinformation and greed are 1/2 the price of what they used to be ACT NOW so they can see!
-YOU can be a TV Terrorist too!
Don’t let the sirens of the fashion police disturb ya we’ll wiretap your mosque from the city to suburbia just grow that beard Osama style!
-And YOU can be a TV Terrorist too!
After your Morning Joe just head over to CNN they’re about to have some Baklawa at Fox & Friends let’s keep feeding more hate speech to the talking heads.
-So YOU can be a TV Terrorist too!
Replace your Quran with the National Enquirer so you can be as American as they are Muhammed is not a match for Uncle Sam.
-Just wear that robe the way Jesus did and YOU can be TV Terrorist too!
You see, turban rhymes with Taliban therefore you’re all the same so pump our gas brown skin clashes with the red, white & blue of our flag.
-Just make sure to look angry! And YOU can be a TV Terrorist too!
Sensationalism in the media is worth more than your beliefs your good morals and spirituality is not for us to say as long as that red dot across your forehead turns into an infrared.
-Look up Hassan! And YOU can be a TV Terrorist too!
From the cities of Iraq to the caves Afghanistan ride your camel and dignity right through an EZ Pass watch the drones drop and the ratings soar!