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Apr 2013
On my darkest, most lonely night
After hours of the saddest tears I'd cried
I'd begged of heaven to answer my pain
To ease my sorrows or let me die

There was a full moon above mountain cliffs
Endless empty roads I drove
Through my tears I traveled in circles
As with my pain I'd no where to go

Then in a bright flash in my mind
A Lady appeared in front of me
I only saw Her flowing white robes
And a Blue sash cover Her crown heavenly

The kindest gaze I'd ever known
Showed me the loving care in Her eyes
Her arms outstretched to welcome me
Into the fold of Her warmth and smile

Her presence begged my heart to let go
To release my mountain of ache to Her
Allow Her to simply rock me gently
Feel Her love wrap me as would a Mother

I don't recall the road I drove on
Or how my car stayed between the lines
I was so enraptured by Her
To all else I wanted to stay blind

I no longer felt my age
I was as a babe again
Never wanting to leave Her embrace
Never wanting to feel alone again

Once Her majestic presence passed from me
My tears had dried and I felt so free
Only needing to stay awake to go home
Carrying with me Her love, Most Holy

I wondered if I'd see Her again
And She didn't disappoint me
As everywhere I looked thereafter
Blue Orbs of Her Love showed up frequently

Could I trust what happened to me
Had I gone insane or mad
I truly thought it mattered not
As tucked deep in my heart Her dear grace I had

Blessed Mother of The Holy Word
Now I see She visits often
All of Her cherished children everywhere
She blesses, smiles, begs us to repent

She prays for us that we will be strong
Live forgiveness in each soul we pardon
For only loving one another so
Can She count us in Her Sacred Garden
Written by
Kristiana  Virginia
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