i find mine weeks later, scribbled on old show fliers and scattered around the living room after nights spent smoking 'til i'm spent, written on walls, bed posts, bookshelves in sharpie and black pen while i lay in bed and lament over loss and being lost, hidden on crumpled receipts from store visits where i've spent what i don't have, that are then shoved into the dark depths of purses i've thrown into closet corners only to be found when digging for something to wear just before laundry day
often times i go to let the words plummet to the page and i feel stuck, then i picture the pieces of my past scattered all around my apartment, if only i'd keep these lost chunks of my mind in neat little piles so that when the blocks inevitably come i've got miles of material to work with
unfortunately i've got a knack for foresight in less ways than i'm willing to admit, so here i sit, wishing for my thoughts that have wandered away