A mother whispers into the fire of Night I hold a match I hold Yarn I Am Wool Shrinking to the formation The intricate designs of your rib cage of your brother's belly of your Grandfather's waist Am I simply a fool? And Who Doth I ask This question too? A Torn book A tattered sonnet of Man's sore feet blistered eyes that are Green That are Brown That are Blue I Lay with myself Tonight I am Awake I am Loud In your Night I Am the Janitor beneath the hardwood floors of your Dream I am the Poorly Waged Electrician With Shoes that resemble an old dog I Light Your Highway Your Street Your Morning coffee your cigarette Am I The Child? I fall in love with women I see on the streets Their Wavy hair like a French sea Her pale complexion the Brown Glimmer in her eyes And I paint on her on Tombstones On Coffee Mugs and on carpets rolled up for the Dumpster At Nights I prefer to dream awake and sit with a BathTub of words of stories that melt like cheese that stiffen like Ginsberg **** that Shriek and Strum like Tom Waits stomach when he starves on backroad streets And when I cannot reproduce I make love to a woman And a poem is made and I kiss her and my lips say 5 am and I wish her not to go But the Dog is waken by Robins by the Pigeons by the digestion of night to day by the Greek Gods and Goddess' Light That Falls down like long hair of woman you have so longed for and you kiss her chest And there is no Death There is no Sleep or ****** addicts or gasoline or paved roads or shaved faces or mothers or Dostoevsky or Beethoven There is just her and you run your fingers across her skin through her hair She is the bottom of the Ocean You are a homeless crab a Shellless Clam falling down down down to the bed of the great ocean and there she lays With a reflection of Youth and Beauty And her complex simplicity makes me think of me as a boy running behind brick collapsed business buildings Kissing a girl behind church Buying Icecream with Josh in Winter
That's what a woman does She erases Death from the palms of your hands and your thoughts and you sink to the bottom and you watch the Coral The other fish swimming along and you laugh Because you do not know Death And Death does not know you.