It's early Spring. Our new neighbours have just moved in,away from city life to a fresh start, where here in the valley, everywhere is green – for most of the time.
At this time of year, the orange blossom fills the air with its scent. In no time at all, the waxy flowers will give way, allowing the trees to become heavy with fruit.
She's very young, with pale skin - almost the same tone as the falling blossoms. But soon that will change as she takes on a more sun-kissed look.
Her partner has already spent his weekends here, so he's used to being outdoors. He's built her a bread oven which she says she doesn't really need. It's much easier to buy bread in town.
They gather sticks to start the fire. Small twigs to get it started, then as the flames begin to lick, throw on more substantial branches. He tells her that the first blaze is to test the oven's structure- he wants to make sure the lining is resilient to the heat.
When the flames die away and the hot ashes begin to settle, he says that next time, they will bake bread together.
Closing the oven door, they slide into mutual silence. She slips her hand into his, to feel safe, then stroll indoors to the warming smell of roast lamb, leaving the sun to set behind them.