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May 2013
Its beautiful here, but its not the view I'm looking for                                                    up
This open sky, I want to be so light, lighter then a dandelion wish. I want to float up
away into this sky so I can find your eyes
because what's a few shades of blue.
Then instead of floating I'll just
to the very bottom.

I've never been to this place before, so I guess I should thank you
I guess my heart is dying,
but its time to grow and I have a cocoon in my pocket, and we both need wings if we are going to survive.

A heart on my wrist
and the sacred trickster, reminding me not to take everything so seriously, while teaching important lessons. He probably has something to do with this situation that I'm in.

So I'll run into these dark woods, and call to him. And then together we will call to you and then

Because I love you so much.

And I wanted to hide everything that reminded me of you, (Which is everything by the way)
but that would mean trying to forget,
which would mean broken promises.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
makes so much more sense now.
So many things, make so much more sense.
So I guess I should thank you.
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