No late fees. Low interest. Borrowed money, on loan, on their time. Credit to the blue collar workers who pays their bills on time. Save minimum wage or incur a fine. To keep big business profitable, they must nickel and dime.
People are in the practice of pinching pennies, with hopes of avoiding suited enemies. Prosperity and posterity is now a foreign concept, or spoken in a different language. The idea of it is sent overseas, as third world countries receive a taste of a marketable life. Some assembly required. Passivity admired.
Independence goes in the vault. Lock and key. Land of the fee. Well, free with an additional purchase or the start of a new account. Better to have you accounted for. Better to put all of their eggs in one basket.
A basket that is fashioned in another country. For a country that is going to hell, and can't afford the casket.