RELATIONSHIP Put load, too much trust? Not enough. Let more people in, Too much, too soon? Talk during emotion, not ignore, put off, bottle up. Let people help. TRUST. Initial Reactions? Need for people to know ME Understand? Want open. Not ready. Can't trust. People throw away, turn away, walk away, Easily? Easy to look up to people, don't stretch your neck so readily. Currently happy even though everything may not be as I want. So light, so free, Walking steady Where I want. Get to know deeply, let what happens, happen. Don't worry. Accept flaws as I see Work to accept? Bad brutally honest? Don't want to work, Shouldn't have to work so hard But I can't let go, not easy. You've made your way in. Not being with you a distinct possibility, Yet I still hope we can remain together on some level.
Despite what happens, I am happy. And I will continue to make choices that ensure my Happiness.