Don't get me wrong; I count it all blessing, This one track mind, The endless company. I always deliver what they come seeking: That sharp taste of thrill in the ceiling of their mouths.
I suppose every life has its ups and downs. Each person their silver, Each person their cloud. But I have inhaled the heavens deep into my lungs And they have made me sick. They drift, seemingly, wherever they please. I can tell you this: I have never tasted the same cloud twice. Each second they grow. With each gust they float Away from the moment's cares and all its trivialities.
I can still hear them, Well-meaning enough to make me doubt my sanity, 'You are built for speed' -now go where we tell you. 'You are full of surprises' -that we planned meticulously. I am stuck in this groove and it is nothing I can dance to. The DJ has fallen asleep And I am slowly blending into the wallpaper.
The first time I heard them screaming It was like wedding cake and cannons, Like listening to your son speak his first word And recognizing it as your name. They love what I do. I hate how I do it.
I dream of stretching my long body across the sky, Taking flight like a paper dragon, Chasing rooftops and mountains, Rolling down hills as soft as a mother's cheek. There are words I long to write on the horizon In script as wide as it is deep. There is so much more i have seen than i have smelled. There are screams I can give you That wave their arms like white flags, Waiting to be plucked from gardens Just outside my reach.
I have been burying my anguish in the hearts of wooden trusses. They push back against me when I am feeling down. 'Chin up, there go those screams again.' They taste nothing like cake. One more 3 minute episode. I have been showing you reruns of smiles for the past two years, Have you noticed? But who is the servant to question the master? I will keep my head down, Drive the track I've been given, And pretend I still enjoy the sunrise.
I wish I could keep from sleeping. The dissonance of waking to the same routine Is Schoenberg to my ears. Every night it's the same thing: My eyelids kiss this day goodbye And it is some glorious tomorrow, When I will finally get my chance To scream.