Those long, thin, intertwining threads of loneliness Twisting, turning, expanding Slowly enveloping the free spaces in ones heart From where joy and happiness spring. Floods of feelings stopped and dammed By that wall causing separation of self From those you want to embrace, feel, love Hold, spend time with, grow with Be one with. You are trapped into thinking That darkness is a safe place to be So you sit there and watch the world go by. Missed chances, missed people, missed life. This is the product of loneliness. As you come to realize this, Some can cast off the dark cloak. For many this is as casting bread upon the water Their loneliness grows seven fold Taking them deeper in the trap. It is one thing that expands, thrives Feeds on the dark. For that is where you sit in loneliness. It is insidious. So I’ll sit here in the dark Remembering the happiness Trying to find the will and strength To claw myself out of the darkness And back to the light To once again gamble on the outside world.
Dan Gray
We all have dark times, deep lows but they're are just ballast for balance. How can one know the light without the dark? This is one thing I like about poetry, it can be so cathartic. No other explanations need even for ones self. ;-)