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Apr 2013
I've always wondered if you think of me since you set me free
And if you ponder of who we could be
the times and years we shared and when you actually cared
Of our faded memories
Now my hardship days seem to be a haze and flow with ease
And after the times I felt so alone
The betrayal and knowing your never coming home
But i came to see that your not longer
the person i knew

You hold on to her with that blank stare

Oh your grey colored eyes
How they show so much lies
& suppressed emotions
that are in the back of your head
and in the darkest of our hearts
we know the truth that teared us apart

But you won't admit it anymore
because your heart is trapped in illusions, frustration,
and false conclusions

I hope she makes you happy
since your excuse to set me free was that you wanted to grow up and spread your wings
but in reality you wanted her instead of me

and after months of excruciating painΒ Β i realized that its okay
because I'm not the one who lost in your silly game
Lupe Orozco
Written by
Lupe Orozco
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