12:00 pm Midnight is when the breeze flows Through my slightly cracked window And ruffles my curtains 12:30 pm I want to sleep but you keep crawling Back into my brain Dusting off abandoned corners of my memories I never wanted to touch those again The cobwebs frightened me 1:00 pm Now I'm crying It's a low wail The time on my clock shows All the thoughts I am wasting On you 5:00 am It's been a few hours I think I've cried out all my tears My body goes limp into an Unstatisfiyng sleep I know that when I wake up You will not be next to me Like how you always used to be 11:00 am I've slept and I was right You are not here The puddles on my pillow collect Into my hair You haven't kissed me gently to Wake me up You haven't stroked my hair to the side To peck my cheek and say "Good morning" 7:00 pm I have spent the day Mourning over you I wonder what you are doing I wonder where you have gone 12:00 pm Midnight is when I repeat the cycle Of missing you.