Their mouths are gaping wide and cavernous hungry needy watering eyes bloodshot and open against their will they need a fix to their addiction they don't have time for predictions only answers give them their answers so they can can sleep tight tonight they lost their blanket, their stuffed bear, their mommy to kiss them goodnight long ago they wake up screeching in the dark from nightmares of gray deserts where no one is there to tell them if it's night or day now all they have are their answers to which questions they don't know don't care they haven't got the time their lives must compete with one another their mouths must inhale old, stuffed, oatmeal air with their bloodshot eyes wet from the dry air can you hear their hollow voices muttering and sleepwalking their regurgitated, responses to anonymous questions their retorts slowly getting louder and louder till you can't tell one answer from the other their lives are competing with one another answers are yelped at the top of their throats they lose their voices so often nowadays so often, they must rest with their mouths gaping wide and cavernous hungry needy watering eyes bloodshot and open against their will they need a fix to their addiction refusing to think about the day when the questions drip, drip, drip, drip away.