A hardy acknowledgement yessiree to the blessed sister Amelie worthy of such beloved, devoted, feted husband Rich truly bestowed predicated upon random chain of events
i.e., accidental, biological, and genealogical happenstance prithee applauding, apprising, and appraising key kith and kin flavoring, enlightening, and charming every life ye and said spouse...
chance circumstance doth avail your lucky charms to recipients receive detail impossible mission to annotate here, nonetheless with gusto courtesy gratitude yours truly does exhale regarding unconditional loving
creatures great and small unbridled zeal without fail truevalue analogous, yet exceeding fine spun gold woolworth paltry holy grail, nor can infinite wordsworth express hale low, and brotherly love, (equals at the least $20.00)
an introspective male i.e. me, whose recent keen awareness of vital specialness doth prevail when a little boy quivering scared as baby quail his older sister genuinely
ranked high on importance scale emotionally caring despite many travail experienced by prodigal son of Boyce and Harriet, who frequently if not always did veil steaming, roiling, quaking... blubbering like a whale
Ahab oft times admit floundering chick hen daring to venture metaphorical unfamiliar muddy waters unlike legendary Moby **** thrashing restless legs vainly kick starting how to live think lost at figurative sea
with nary an iota abandoning ship lick kitty split never trying to overcome self doubt when chased, teased and easily trounced by bullies quick as greased lightning to cower on all fours
calling out for Ranger Rick (or other unsung hero), whose highlighted schtick nowhere in sight, thus I got treated analogous as some cheap trick praying for salvation, ye thence fended off beastie boys
(poetic liberty I take) as veritable hooligans threatened with wick cud lee to thrash hide of Matthew Scott imposing arbitrary eminent domain despite supposedly safe sanctified bailiwick.