Eighty-seven scars line my limbs They adorn me Like pieces of costume jewelry
Ugly, disgusting costume jewelry The kind you want to lock away So nobody has to see So nobody knows that It even exists
But the jewels are fused to my skin They won’t ever come off They are part of my flesh But they don’t cause me pain Anymore
The scarring slits remind me Of those days Those sad days When I would sit in my room And cry for hours
Or shiver in the shower Blood dripping down my forearms Flowing down my thighs Turning the water rusty
I don’t even know why the Bad came I had a great life Maybe, I think, just Not a great brain I had a broken brain A brain that would lie to me
I had the thought one of those nights The nights before the Bad totally took over “What if the pain numbs my brain?” I thirsted for an escape from my own thoughts From my corrupted mind
So I stumbled into the shower And reached for my razor It started very small, very controlled Just three or four slits a week
But the number of cuts Grew larger as time flew by The cuts grew deeper The water grew redder
It was an addiction Like Xanax It would take over and make my brain Start thinking those horrible thoughts again I’d tell myself to stop But I wouldn’t: I couldn’t No matter how hard I tried
There were switches Every so often I would be happy In a temporary fashion
Then the bad Would overwhelm And I would spiral Out of control
It was an Endless cycle of pain Sometimes with a small Amount of relief, only periodically
I felt empty Like a fragment of shattered glass In the roadway: Forgotten