Facing ****** headspace Caught between my best decision Dead race between Depression and a **** addiction. Ingesting drugs. To reallocate my fat cells Make my hips and ******* more feminine. With all my friends Are sending bestest wishes. But..... Sobrietys a dragon. Only slayed with unconventional means And fully rigorously tested metal mental weapons... Praying for an angel. Its armageddon seconds left and its best done blessed with intervention.. So my saviour can evict my spirit from a mental prison. And my body of a mens invention God will have you all. So ferris bueller get some class your ashy past gets you sent to detention... While my class of kick *** canadians. Get my vote for re election. No greater people in the history. Of press. Films radio or ******* television... Broken ribs. Aching head. A debt repaid when I can carry out your suggestions. After all I'm meant to listen To your wishes.... And find the proper spot to squat and **** in... *** changing with men. Is like teaching a dog to stop eat doggy biscuits . While insisting that your ***** cat Best kitchen mop And wash the dishes Its exhausting.....
So if you just started watching And won't make it to the ending edit... Dont expect to be top notch spot As god drops the ******* ending credits... *** for now I'm still accepted Like I'mgod **** cash credit or debit.... You just read it. I'll stay mostly sober Roger over. Repost immediately on reddit... Growing every day. Like America's foreign debt is