Nothing ever happened with us Well it almost did Or maybe it didn't I'm never really sure You never really said so But then neither did I That's all over now It doesn't really matter Except it does Because I fell so fast So hard For so long And then nothing Or everything but still Nothing Now I know I'm lucky Or well I think I am We weren't meant to be anyway That I know Now that I'm sure of But you still left a scar Or maybe I did that But it's there And now I'm scared I'm scared I'll fall in love Again So fast So hard For so long With the wrong guy Again Because I can't explain it I don't know why Or maybe I do But it doesn't matter Because I fell for you And you were wrong I thought you were right I was right But you were wrong And I still fell But I've clawed myself out of it Or maybe I haven't But all of it wasn't me Or maybe it was I never thought so Neither did my friends Because I never just fell So fast So hard For so long But I did For you And I don't want to do it again But maybe I will And maybe he'll be right But he could be wrong Then he'll walk away before any real damage Like you did Except obviously there was still damage But then maybe he won't Because then What if I fall in love Again With the wrong guy So fast So hard For so long And he doesn't walk away