Since when has one generation, in all of human history, changed the definition of right and wrong?
The God who built this world wrote what is write and wrong
He also gave warning to these acts that we play into a song
My generation makes purity just want to curl
The Lord of might will not bless a mockery of his creation that gives me the inclination to hurl
His grace abounds to redeem and change a heart that seeks him and his precepts as a jewel
Not those who care nothing of the almighty and only seem to chase what's cool
All I can say is that it is only a loving God that could save such fools as us.
But give ear to what I am saying, you are priceless
The devil can take that which is priceless and convince them that they are worthless
The hand of God will not be stayed from an unrepentant people for much longer
Dear fellow Christians, Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. For those who say their is no God, the one you hate loves you more then you can imagine, but if you do not bend your knee to his will, you will not be spared from his wrath. Call out to him, he will answer.