If you've ever flown Carry bottled water about Charter Uber or Taxify Usually don't finish your drinks Leave droplets of food at restaurants Congrats, you made it!
If you are a Soldier's wife A Lawyer or a Doctor You use i-phone 32 Ever snapped "pinshure" with "Whity" Or attended private university Congrats, you made it!
You are in charge of party food Borrow a car to pick your date Snapped inside a car for Facebook and Instagram If you love to sit in front of danfo Or work as a Marketer Congrats, you made it!
If you are course representative An MD in any firm Your brother is a politician Snapped inside a Airplane Or fair like the daughters of Job Just add it to your resume You already made it!
If you wear gold Romanian curls Would you rather do Brazilian or Indian hair You already look like Khardashian Or have "Arsenal" like Cardi B Can I get your autograph? You are already a star
If you have a customized plate A double chief in your village You love ******* and foursome You abuse siren as an ordinary Spy Police You are already a big boy!
However, if you are street smart You have a skill set with your education If you went to a finishing school You never allow pride overwhelm you If you are your own Boss And you pay salaries You are the real VIP
Many are victims of identity Living in prisons of their imagination Forming Slay Queens and Marlians If you don't mind yourself now Your future might be a repeat of the past Don't be poor and proud! It is highly cancerous...