E'er since slip of a lad little boy painfully shy think Holden Caulfield Catcher in the Rye, (a teen cult classic penned by
Jerome David Salinger), now resuming poem about me, no why ne'er beseeched, implored, or pleaded to our Unitarian father art thou in heaven... socially withdrawn kid
wherefore I ne'er did ply risk taking, and rarely did try to test (dis)comfort zones, nonetheless did despair and silently decry failing with flying colors plus my
lackluster luck concerning absolute zero friends, I don't deny abysmal classroom experience linkedin with comprehension how to try adding insult to injury teacher's pet chosen to help, course
I wanted to disappear and die feeling utterly inferior no lie hated life (mine) anyone could easily espy, non verbal body language spoke volumes, imagining
Matthew Scott to vanish into thin air whisked into sky, and even now envision well nigh alien abduction, one garden (hybrid) variety guy taken as token Earthling, an ally
among nonhuman species, where unconditional acceptance doth apply feted as guest of honor trumpeted profuse gratitude expressed to fortify genuine appreciation, where the
multitudes of highly intelligent robot anoint and deify one humble scribe formerly residing in Schwenksville, the above I certify as true so please don't vilify.