I surmise yours truly i.e. me a slacker boomer - ye, whereby repose finds me face buried in pillow free and clear of Earthly worry
mainly, namely, particularly... lack of legal tender re: money woeful bane, yes unarguably legitimate casus belli key ping mental state agonizingly
able, eager, and ready to re sign livingsocial or alone thee, major source of acrimony sea ying boatloads sunk gone (courtesy maintenance
costs 2009 Hyundai Sonata), one she tee chitty chitty bang bang bee cause original parts conking out - see maddeningly, practically, simultaneously
within weeks and months invariably major component, a doggone conspiracy, methinks maybe climate change, or possibly Jewish ancestor condemned during toΒ death (think, yea even say) auto de fe,
where subsequent generations automatically branded convicted heretics sentenced and executed, plus any accouterments wheely rendering twenty first century western civilization and concomitant car rears je
ne sais quoi necessary not simply cree chore comfortant, which upkeeping de creed red hot poker faced anger - be getting sudden impulse where tightly balling fists punch thighs
vocalizing with primal screaming - ye probably heard - hmm maybe being stone cold dead to the world not such a worse fate after all - si?