poetry, on a strange day, is in swirls through time in a rainy sky. it's six am somewhere, while it's twelve in the afternoon somewhere else. here it's just today. the knock of the bottom of our cups put on the top of the table; the swish, swoosh, ****** of the outside when a visitor opens the door. i am afraid i will forget my words, and that you will ask me of the world and find that i know nothing. but you talk about oranges. piquant, ...sweet, and simple — i find it easy to talk about oranges. almost comforting to imagine it in tea and made into jam, and had for breakfast. sounds of cutlery and steam from the coffee machine; the smell of winter air. this is not a big moment — big moments scare me. this is inconspicuous. you are shy, and i am unpredictable. and you have brought me wildflowers. inside, it's still today; outside ... i'm not sure. look — there is a moon in the morning, and there is poetry in the sky. where do we go from here?