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Apr 2013
"Mama, teach me how to pray
I'm not sure what to say
are you sure He'll hear
will my words reach His ear?
are you sure i can speak?
when He is strong & i am weak
does God know what's in my heart?
and can He lead me through the dark?
when i bow my head in prayer
is He really always there?
are you sure He hears it all?
sometimes my voice seems so small"
sweet child, no matter the place, the hour
trust that there is a Higher Power
One who loves us, pure and true
He will always see us through
there's no right thing to say
when you bow your head to pray
because He will listen and knows your fears
and never likes to see your tears
and He will guide you through the dark of night
and show you the beauty of the morning light
when soft breeze blows through your hair
know that that is God, he is there
in everything, in everyone, He surrounds
and loves you without bounds
because you are His child, His creation
Ashley Brooke Payne
Written by
Ashley Brooke Payne  Dawsonville, GA
(Dawsonville, GA)   
   ---, M Rose, Chuck, Hilda and Timothy
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