Well for starters Nationwide road service emergency one man cutting crew with battery charger in tow knew exactly why no juice (think electricity), his hunch found trunk light kept lit, an innocent looking (to me or you) lady's handbag accouterment,
fifty shades of blue stuck out just enough did cue automotive technician, who witnessed yours truly flapping imaginary wings (think) cuckoo unwittingly, irretrievably, and admirably lost me scant sanity true "fake" news I trumpet as a gentile Jew...
Just in time for men rhythmically singing, melodiously acapella harmonizing huzzah olé in white coats besotted and bespattered with vegetable puree to take me away
**-** hee-hee ha-haaa hip...hip... hooray to the funny farm yea, where life beautiful every day and skies fifty shades of gray...
Thus, the reason I type pell mell (think hunt and peck), an inner madness to quell, while hermetically locked in padded cell shut airtight like... a citadel
which soundproof environment hell lava hot improvement versus dwell ling with volcanic spouse, and well equipped to nurture solitude, ah... nobody, but me and Matty mattel
both of us undergoing re education initiated courtesy crack atop noggin tinnitus subsequently experiencing ringing like liberty bell afterwards undergoing gender reassignment
clearly yours truly exuded effeminate spell not recognizing only muttering to himself fancifully dolled up as debutante mademoiselle, and appearing sitting pretty I willingly tell.
Twas glorious occasion regarding miracles of modern medicine to sing namely routine engineered *** change, bitty bing bitty bang minus one minor glitch really... nothing
but doggone veteran (aery) surgeon pulled off bone huff eyed gracefully amazing stunt at my expense unwittingly injecting canine female hormonal secretions, hence I find myself barking, ******* and strong desire burning to frequent fire hydrants.