It is difficult to define With no black dog to lead this pressure dropped familiar. No symbol/ fetish/ effigy to incorporate a misery that drains the joy from all that I hold dear. . How does one trace the contours of an abstract exhalation?
Somewhere near a pendulum is stilled.
That which I loved one minute past, that filled this hole of borrowed time is laid apart her spent electric body washed in turpentine Her outline drawn.
I follow where the way grows small Where disembodied voices pull in strange degrees of separation I flow toward their thin remains shape, ill-defined, subliminal An acquiescent aftermath of calculus unknown.
I am pressed italic, hither sent to comb the sear of cloying strand for relics of the days worn down by nothing in particular. There is no anthem or lament no ornamental sentiment to wrest the quickened lacks that sand the shores of Anhedonia.