Seek for humility, but know my ability to increase to stability with agility, in this facility where it's build and destroy, the fragilities durability furiously is curious, serious with its toys, respectively causes noise, collectively and expectedly set to be to annoy, the poise, somewhat avoids void, but the only joy is a break, makes self hate, hoping FAKE compensates, the great take, baked in the mind, cold down to lymph nodes, told I was fine, rewind everytime all my dimes spent to hatred, only knows patience to create pain ancient, maintenance for cadence to fry the hellish desperation, being shy is being selfish, that's my little inspiration, for the fact of consideration that I saw misuse in me, others wage war against self, that wasn't new to me, enemy and friend, you're hoping they don't pretend on their end, defending what we think to offend them, but the truest gem finds and defines you, beating round the bush, you can push, this will shine too, half a picture drew, knew it was killing me, blank on the other side, lying with HUMILITY.