I remember the age of 6 it was the second year at school; the teacher was scary, red face and really threatening I was behind with life and social skills being the slow learner I was not being able to communicate fully and being shy and timid now with the knowledge of being diagnosed with dyspraxia and autism but back then my teacher didn't know about these diagnosis she just referred to me as being dumb, slow and stupid it was PE everyone was ready except for me the teacher couldn't understand why I was taking so long struggling to put my clothes on; everything was back to front and I couldn’t tie my laces instead of helping she got angry lost her temper and showed me up in front of the class all the kids started to laugh I felt ashamed and humiliated barely anyone would talk to me as they thought I was stupid and I started to feel alone and isolated my parents couldn't understand why I broke down in front of them and that I didn't want to attend school my parents felt she pushing me hard to succeed but in reality all she did was really scare me my only friends really was soft toys that I liked to create adventures with and books which I loved to read it was my escape I love reading science text books and absorbing scientific words adored fiction had a good grasp of vocabulary and knowledge well above my station.
Years down the line met the teacher I had when I was 6 she felt bad for what she put through and apologised and I did the nice thing and forgave her I was surprised that she did remembered me from all those years a go maybe that day as traumatic and humiliating as it might have been was just another lesson that in this world you need to be tough and keep trying with what you have no matter what.