PREHEAT oven to- actually, forget preheating Earth's already clambered up 1.6 degrees Fahrenheit and it will rise more
STIR INTO LARGE BOWL: 3 ounces looming catastrophe 6 cups all purpose fear 1 large, orange ruler 3/4 cup civil disobedience 1/2 cup hope, preferably white, use with modesty a tinge of spiritual desperation
MIX IN SEPARATE BOWL: 1-2 cups oppression 2 tbsp. government inaction 1 tbsp. unspeakable terror a dash of existential dread
Fold wet ingredients into dry bowl and mix until smooth. Kneed like you need it.
Bake in oven for 50 years, or until crispy brown, OR until the house burns down because you baked it too long, because you're out of time, because the planet's on ******* fire, because we've lost all touch with ourselves and you need the rest of the human race to lose their pride and politics and devolve into simplicity