The mighty men of valour
Hate to possess the
Answer to thy beauty,
For as long as
Nature obey laws,
There shall not be
Any beauty like
Unto my darling,
Ah, questioning the past
Has opened a new leaf
Of this unquestionable version,
For as long as
Thou shine thy true
Blackness upon my sinful nature,
These happy days of mine
Will be lost without thy gut,
The persistent shrilling
Of the magic cricket
At midnight and the rustling of
The palm leaves in the sea breeze,
Makes me feel
Ashamed and proud,
For as long as
Great men are
Ready to bite the
Lioness for thy sake,
Thy power of beauty
Shall be the soul
Of thy flamboyant womanhood,
Never hid them, oh
My only true lover,
For as long as
Thou art fairer in character
Than the masterβs daughter,
She that has no
Respect for the humus,
The nations shall behold these firm
Twain towers upon
Thy juicy sedate chest,
Children of Africa,
Look up straight
Upon the holy mountains,
For as long as
This blazing sun
Remains the likeness
Of her sharp big eyes,
The eternal honey dripping
From her faithful lips
Will be traded for life
Ah, my only falling rain,
The mother of many nations,
For as long as
Thy beauty remains prosperous,
The starling shall not cease
To express my sincere
Whims to imprison thee
In my heavy heart,
I love thee Obaahemaa,
Thou art Cleopatra indeed.