twelve years ago you fell from your mothers belly like a soft prayer of small miracles all of heaven contained within the wonder sparkling in your eyes everything that could be more than I expected happiness more abundant than infinite beautiful in every sense that love can be defined I have never appreciated the air in my lungs or the blood in my veins or the pulse and rhythm of my heart more than the first time I held you or the last time I heard you laugh
twelve years pasted so quickly and I am torn equally between wishing I could stop time and the excitement of watching you grow the impatience for seeing who you will become you are both hope and the future
twelve years of being the luckiest dad the happiest father it often feels like you have been teaching me more than I will ever be able to teach you you have made it so easy life so joyous
your heart is a treasure trove of kindness your soul a gentle campaign of patience your intellect sharp with both wisdom and humor what a gift it has been to love you to be loved by you
twelve years of everything that could be more than I expected