i dont have anything to write about so instead ill dream something where i shout get the anger needed to record doing drugs like jordan belfort
drops my worries and cares makes me feel like im getting somewhere music is complicated and hard just wanted to make some audio art
mixing little bit of art and math dont forget to add in emotions to the bath relaxed and sitting in now music doesnt make me doubt
swimming through the bath wanting to make art last put the work aside from me let it be judged freely
art gets what it wants cant believe how bad i was once lot of room to grow cant wait to see my future shows
got a lot of work to do a head of me first of all i got to finish this degree then the grind for creative satisfaction gotta say goodbye to the distractions
got to many vices currently cant tell if they are destroying me everyone i know who smokes is reduced down to half the bloke
stronger without it weak with a week with, and im not ****** i want to die in china of old age rather than shot in this gun cage
its really hard to compare the two two completely different people groups doing the same thing as the other but one gets entitled, hot, and bothered
theyll **** each other at the end of the story and its the end of the story and i dont know if i was talking about america or china in their nuclear fallout
jordan, drugs, and, i or my struggle with the artists eye making music like a bath the combination of art and math